CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa, who is undergoing treatement at a hospital here, today suffered a cardiac arrest and is being treated by a team of experts, including cardiologists, Apollo Hospitals said.

  • Jayalalithaa on extracorporeal membrane heart assist device; being treated by a team of expert doctors and critical care specialists. Apollo Hospitals

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  • Doctor from AIIMS, Delhi to leave for Tamil Nadu tomorrow to assist in treatment of TN CM Jayalalithaa after she suffered a cardiac arrest.

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  • TN Governor Vidyasagar Rao leaves for Chennai from Mumbai

AIADMK party members pray for well being in front of a hospital where Tamil Nadu CM Jayalalitha was being treated in Chennai on December 4, 2016. / AFP PHOTO / ARUN SANKAR

  • Wishing Jayalalithaa Hon CM of TN a speedy recovery, Let her be healthy soon: Suresh Prabhu

  • "She is being treated and monitored by a team of experts, including cardiologists, pulmonologist and critical care specialists," Chief Operating Officer and head of transformation of Apollo Hospital Dr Subbaiah Viswanathan said in a statement.

  • "The honourable Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, who is undergoing treatment at Apollo Hospitals, suffered a cardiac arrest this evening.

  • The 68-year-old leader suffered the cardiac arrest hours after AIADMK said that Jayalalithaa will return home "soon" as an AIIMS expert team has confirmed that she has completely recovered after over two months of hospitalisation.


Recently Apollo Hospitals Chairman Pratap C. Reddy told media that Jayalalithaa is returning to normalcy and all her vital organs are functioning well.

She was shifted out of Intensive Care Unit as there were no health complications, he had said.

Reddy also said Jayalalithaa can go home whenever she decides to do so.

The team, comprising Dr G Khilnani, Professor, Department of Pulmonology Medicine, Dr Anjan Trikha, Professor of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care and Dr Nitish Nayak, Professor, Department of Cardiology, has been visiting the hospital regularly ever since the 68-year-old AIADMK supremo was admitted on September 22.

The hospital, which had been issuing bulletins on her health status, has said she was being treated for infection.