Tamil Nadu: In a shocking incident, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam Member of Parliament S Rajendran died in a car accident on Saturday morning near Tindivanam. The accident took place when Rajendran, 62, who represented Villupuram parliamentary constituency, was on his way to Tindivanam and his car hit the road divider.
Severely injured Rajendran died on the spot, police said.
The injured driver was immediately rushed to the hospital and at present is being treated.
A first-time Member of Parliament, Rajendran was also a member of the standing committee on chemicals and fertilizers and consultative committee in the ministry of civil aviation.
The police have filed a case and have launched an investigation on the case to find the reason behind the accident.
More details on the same are awaited.
Tamil Nadu: AIADMK MP S Rajendran dies in road accident
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
23 Feb 2019 10:14 AM (IST)
A first-time Member of Parliament, Rajendran was also a member of the standing committee on chemicals and fertilizers and consultative committee in the ministry of civil aviation.
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