NEW DELHI: Days after External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj announced that she has decided not to contest the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, Swaraj on Saturday revealed the reason behind her decision. At a press conference in Jaipur, she cited health reasons behind her decision. Swaraj said “wherever I've gone for election campaigns, I've said the event should be in closed doors. Avoiding dust is a limitation of my health. And therefore, I said I won't fight next Lok Sabha elections. But I never said I will retire from politics”

External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj also said “My health is good. But I am constantly taking precautions. Doctors have asked me to stay safe from infection, & also to avoid dust. I have to save myself from dust. No matter how much I try, I can't avoid dust during elections.”

Earlier, the Union minister, who was in Madhya Pradesh, had made an announcement of not contesting the 2019 national elections. “It is the party which decides, but I have made up my mind not to contest the next (Lok Sabha) elections,” she said.

The 66-year-old leader, who is serving her fourth term in the House, has long been her party's most prominent woman face. Swaraj had undergone a kidney transplant in 2016. After Indira Gandhi, Swaraj is the second woman External Affairs Minister of the country. She has been a Member of Parliament for several years. In the past, she has also held the position of Delhi's Chief Minister from October 13 to December 3, 1998. She was Delhi's first woman chief minister.

She has also been Informational and Broadcasting Minister in the Centre, spokesperson of the and Leader of Opposition in the Lok Sabha. During the last two Lok Sabha polls in 2009 and 2014, Swaraj had contested and won from Vidisha in Madhya Pradesh.