New Delhi: Former external affairs minister and senior BJP leader Sushma Swaraj, who passed away late on Tuesday, was laid to rest with full state honours at Lodhi Road crematorium in Delhi on Wednesday. The mortal remains of Sushma Swaraj were consigned to flames as Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other senior leaders, besides family, friends and admirers bid a tearful adieu to the political stalwart. She was 67. She is survived by her husband Swaraj Kaushal and daughter Bansuri Swaraj. A sea of mourners had gathered at the Lodhi Road crematorium here where she was cremated with full state honours. Bansuri performed the last rites of her mother.

Mortal remains of the late former Delhi chief minister were kept at her residence in the morning. Later, wrapped in a tricolour, the mortal remains were brought to the crematorium in the afternoon from the BJP headquarters, where they was kept for few hours for people to pay their respects.

Besides PM, President Ram Nath Kovind, veteran BJP leader LK Advani were among prominent personalities who bid adieu to Sushma Swaraj with teary eyes and paid their last respects to the leader. They also met Sushma's family members at her residence, earlier in the day.

Swaraj, one of India's most high-profile woman politicians, was rushed to Delhi’s AIIMS after suffering a heart attack. A team of doctors tried to revive her for over 80-90 minutes, however, she was declared dead at 10.50 pm. Sushma Swaraj had not been keeping well lately, which is why she had not contested the recently held Lok Sabha election and opted out of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's new government.

Earlier at BJP headquaters, Bansuri Swaraj and Swaraj Kaushal paid salute as state honours are accorded to her. Harish Salve, who represented India at the ICJ in the Kulbhushan Jadhav case spoke to Swaraj just 10 minutes before she got a cardiac arrest. "I was simply stunned yesterday on hearing about her demise. At 8:45 pm I had a talk with her. She said 'you have to come&take your fees of Re.1 for Jadhav case'. Just 10 min post that, she had a cardiac arrest," Salve said.

Also Watch | Sushma Swaraj’s husband & daughter pay salute as state honours are accorded to her
Political leaders from various states condoled the death of former external affairs. Congress leader Sonia Gandhi and Former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh also paid last respects to Sushma Swaraj today at her residence. Dalai Lama who also paid his tributes to Sushma Swaraj, said, "Sushma Swaraj enjoyed immense respect for her compassionate concern for people and her friendly demeanour. In devoting herself to service of others, she led a very meaningful life."