New Delhi: BJP on Wednesday said, that the Supreme Court verdict restoring the Congress government in Arunachal Pradesh was not a setback to it.
"This is not a setback for the BJP. The crisis (in Arunachal) was due to the internal differences within the Congress in the state," Bharatiya Janata Party leader Srikant Sharma said.
"A group within the Congress fell out with the party leadership. The BJP has nothing to do with (what happened).”
"It clearly shows that there is a leadership crisis in the Congress. It will be wrong to hold the BJP responsible for the crisis in Arunachal Pradesh," he added.
His comments came after the apex court directed the restoration of the ousted Nabam Tuki government as it quashed the decision of Governor Jyoti Prasad Rajkhowa preponing the assembly session in December 2015.