In a big move towards promoting gender sensitivity within the judiciary, the Supreme Court launched a handbook on Wednesday aimed at addressing and rectifying gender stereotypes prevalent in court orders and legal documents. The comprehensive guide will provide judges with tools to avoid using inappropriate gender-related terminology, reported legal news website Bar and Bench.

Words and phrases such as adulteress, affair, career woman, chaste woman, dutiful/faithful/good/obedient wife, eve teasing, housewife, ladylike, mistress, and prostitute are among those that have been flagged.


A page from the handbook listing the

Chief Justice of India (CJI) DY Chandrachud introduced the handbook, emphasizing its purpose in identifying and addressing gender stereotypes that inadvertently appear in various judgments. The handbook intends to equip judges with the awareness and insight required to prevent such stereotypes from entering legal language and discourse.

CJI Chandrachud clarified that the primary goal of the handbook is not to discredit previous judgments or the judges responsible for them. Instead, it aims to create awareness about the inadvertent usage of gender stereotypes in court proceedings, thereby facilitating their elimination in future judgments.


A page from the handbook, listing the

He explained, "This initiative centres around dismantling stereotypes concerning women within legal discourse. The handbook identifies prevalent stereotypes in court language and how they are unconsciously employed. It does not intend to impugn judgments. Rather, it assists judges in steering clear of such language by recognizing its potential to perpetuate stereotypes. The handbook also highlights authoritative decisions that have addressed similar concerns."

CJI Chandrachud further shared that the Supreme Court's website now hosts the manual along with an e-filing tutorial, signalling the court's dedication to modernizing its practices, the Bar and Bench report stated. The handbook's digital release will follow shortly.

The Supreme Court, under CJI Chandrachud, has recently taken strides to promote inclusivity and gender neutrality. Gender-neutral restrooms, accommodating all genders, are set to be constructed across various locations within the main and additional buildings of the Supreme Court. This initiative aims to provide an equitable environment for all court users. Additionally, the court has introduced online appearance slips, streamlining the judicial process and embracing digital convenience.