New Delhi: The Supreme Court collegium led by CJI NV Ramana has recommended the elevation of five judges as Chief Justices of High Courts. The collegium, also comprising Justices U U Lalit and A M Khanwilkar, chose Justices AA Sayed, Rashmin Manharbhai Chhaya, Vipin Sanghi, Ujjal Bhuyan, and SS Shinde for appointment as new CJs for five High Courts.

As per the recommendation, Delhi HC acting CJ Vipin Sanghi will be transferred to Uttarakhand High Court as its Chief Justice. Vipin Sanghi, son of renowned lawyer GL Sanghi, was appointed Additional Judge of Delhi HC on May 29, 2006, and became its acting CJ on March 13 this year.

Justice AA Sayed of Bombay High Court has been recommended for appointment as CJ of Himachal Pradesh HC. Justice Sayed is the most senior Judge after CJ DIpanakar Datta in Bombay HC. He was appointed as a judge on April 11, 2007.

Another Bombay High Court judge, Justice SS Shinde, will head the Rajasthan High Court.

The SC collegium recommended appointing Gujarat HC Justice Rashmin Manharbhai Chhaya as CJ of Gauhati High Court. Justice Chhaya was appointed as an additional judge of Gujarat HC on February 17, 2011. 

Justice Ujjal Bhuyan has been recommended for appointment as the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court. Justice Bhuyan was appointed as an additional judge of Gauhati HC on October 17, 2011. He was transferred to Bombay HC on October 3, 2019, and from there to Telangana HC on October 22, 2021.