New Delhi: The Supreme Court on Monday restrained authorities from cutting any more trees in Mumbai's Aarey to set up a Metro car shed. The bench said, "Don't cut anything now," asking Maharashtra Government to not cut more trees at Aarey Colony. Solicitor General Tushar Mehta appearing for Maharashtra Government assured the bench that henceforth no trees will be cut. The court orders that the status quo should be maintained regarding the felling of trees at Mumbai's Aarey Colony.

Besides, the Supreme Court asked that activists who were arrested should be released. "In case those are still not released shall be released immediately," assures Solicitor General Tushar Mehta. SC also asks to include Union Environment ministry a party.

A special bench comprising justices Arun Mishra and Ashok Bhushan said it will have to examine the entire thing and posted the matter for hearing on October 21 before its forest bench.

Watch | SC asks govt not cut more trees at Aarey Colony

Meanwhile, on Sunday, twenty-nine protestors were released from Thane jail after bail was granted to them. They were arrested from Aarey on charges of disturbing public order and obstructing government officials from performing their duties.

The felling of trees is being opposed by green activists and local residents. The apex court decided on Sunday to register as PIL a letter addressed to Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi by law student Rishav Ranjan seeking a stay on the cutting of trees. A notice was posted on the Supreme Court website about holding the urgent hearing.

The police had detained at least 84 protestors for allegedly disturbing public order and obstructing government officials from performing their duties. Twenty-nine out of 84 protestors were sent to five-day judicial custody by a local court on Saturday. The 29 protestors were granted bail on Sunday by Dindoshi court on a cash bond of Rs 7,000 each and asked to appear at the police station for further inquiry.