Book Supreme Court Tour: The highest judicial forum, Supreme Court, is now open for the general public on Saturdays. The newly instated CJI on Friday had said that the opening of the "public institution" is “experiment, a very limited exposure to the Supreme Court, a public institution that I thought should be opened up in a limited way. They also launched a portal, through which one can book ‘guided tours’ to the Supreme Court. The guided tour “is a great opportunity to gain inside access to the grand interiors of the Supreme Court building and admire the majestic structure in its full glory.”

During the guided tour, the visitors will be accompanied throughout the premises and introduced to parts of historical importance. The Supreme Court of India is open to the general public from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM every Saturday except on declared holidays. The tour is expected to be an hour long where an official of the Court will be assigned as your tour guide who will elaborate upon the structure of the Indian legal system and will also give intriguing examples of decided cases and the historical significance behind the architecture of the building.

Here Is What Will Happen during the guided tour-

  • Visitors are ushered through the majestic courtrooms.

  • They also get a glimpse inside the grandiose Judges' library where entry on other days is particularly restricted.

  • The excursion ends with a tour of the Supreme Court museum.

  • A short film will be shown to culminate the educational experience.

How To Book The Supreme Court Tour-

  • Kindly go to the "Registration" tab under the link "Guided Tour" on the official website of the Supreme Court of India

  • Fill the short online form to confirm reservation.

  • Online booking is subject to confirmation sent through SMS/ email after registration.

  • No fee is charged for a tour of the Supreme Court

Visiting and sight-seeing protocol:

  • A thorough security scan will be conducted at the entry point. Visitors will be required to walk through metal detectors and their personal items will be scrutinized through the x-ray machine.

  • Explore the grounds without creating a commotion to retain the operational harmony of nearby offices.

  • As stated before, photography and filming are strictly forbidden on the Supreme Court grounds.

  • Meals, snacks and beverages may only be consumed in the canteen area.

  • Smoking is stringently denied inside the building.

  • Physical contact is not permitted with any work of art such as paintings, portraits, relics or any other exhibit.

  • Supreme Court Registry reserves the right to approve/ reject the permission to visit the Supreme Court.

For those who wish to upload photographs of the Supreme Court premise online won’t be able to do so as photography is not allowed during a guided tour and visitors are forbidden from using a camera or cellphone while touring the premises.

For any enquiry, kindly email us at or alternatively call us on our guided tours helpline number 011 23385347.