The Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud led bench on Wednesday condoled the passing away of the eminent jurist and Senior Advocate Fali S Nariman who passed on Wednesday early morning at age of 95. While saying that we mourn the sad demise and passing away of Nariman, the CJI described Nariman as a great intellectual and a father figure to the Bar.

"Mr Attorney General, we mourn the sad demise and passing away of Fali Nariman...His voice truly represented the conscience of a generation. Fearless in the expression of his views, he wrote and spoke with clarity and candour. He mentored a generation of lawyers and judges but above all he was always a kind and affectionate father figure. A towering intellectual of our era has sadly passed on, " The CJI said paying his tribute to the late jurist.

Former CJI N V Ramana also offered his condolences and issued a statement saying that the news of sudden passing of Fali S Nariman filled him with deep sorrow.

"Shri Nariman witnessed our nation’s many a trials and tribulations, both before and after independence and fought for upholding Constitutional values till his last breath. Series of his spirited interviews at such an advanced age in the very recent past stand testimony to his commitment for the Constitutional principles."

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The former CJI praised the late jurist and called him the conscience keeper for judicial institutions.

"Never known for mincing words, Shri Fali S Nariman has been a conscience keeper for judicial institutions. Through his arguments in court rooms, widely read news paper columns, public lectures, parliamentary interventions and televised interviews he has educated generations of legal professionals and general public alike. Huge volume of his work will keep on guiding the generations to come. Shri Fali S Nariman will be remembered as an ethical giant." Ramana added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi also tweeted on Wednesday, "Fali Nariman Ji was among the most outstanding legal minds and intellectuals. He devoted his life to making justice accessible to common citizens. I am pained by his passing away. My thoughts are with his family and admirers. May his soul rest in peace."

Eminent jurist and a veteran senior advocate of the Supreme Court, Fali S Nariman, passed away at 95 in Delhi on Wednesday around 12:45 AM after reportedly suffering from multiple ailments, including cardiac issues. A towering figure in India's legal landscape, his arguments have shaped many landmark judgements in the country.

A distinguished Constitutionalist, Nariman was awarded Padma Bhushan in 1991 and Padma Vibhushan in 2007. A staunch supporter of civil rights and secularism, Nariman wrote in his autobiography: "I have lived and flourished in a secular India. In the fullness of time if God wills, I would also like to die in a secular India."