In a big relief for the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Supreme Court on Monday extended the time till August 10, 2024 to vacate its Delhi office which is situated in the plot allotted in Rouse Avenue for expansion of the Delhi judiciary. As per Supreme Court's previous order, AAP had to vacate its current party office by June 15. This came after the top court noted that AAP's party office stands on land alotted for expansion of Delhi High Court. Today the court extended that deadline to August 10.

Earlier, the top court had set the deadline of June 15 for AAP to vacate the party office in Delhi. Today, the apex court allowed an application filed by AAP seeking an extension of time as a last opportunity.

On June 5, the Delhi High Court held that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is entitled to use housing unit from the general pool till a permanent land is allotted for construction of its office. The high court directed the Centre to decide AAP’s representation within six weeks. 

Senior Advocate Rahul Mehra appearing for AAP told the high court that a national party is entitled to a temporary office until the land is allotted to it for construction of a permanent office.

Justice Subramonium Prasad of Delhi High Court on Wednesday held that mere pressure or non-availability is no ground to reject AAP's plea for party office space. The court directed Centre to decide AAP's representation for a temporary accommodation within six weeks by way of a reasoned order.

Earlier in February, the Supreme Court slammed the AAP for "encroaching" over the land allotted to Delhi High Court. The case came up in the apex court while hearing a case pertaining to judicial infrastructure in the country.

AAP had told the top court that "a particular government does not want me to be flourishing and working." 

AAP further told the top court that the GNCTD had given the plot to district judiciary in 2020, whereas it was allotted to AAP for party office in 2015. And when the party applied for fresh land allottment they were told to go to Badarpur while other national parties are in better areas. 

In view of impending general elections, the top court had granted time till June 15 , 2024 to the AAP to vacate the premises. Th apex court had directed AAP to vacate its office at New Dehli, situated in the plot earmarked for the Delhi judiciary, by 15 June, so that land allotted to expand the district judiciary footprint can be used for the purpose.