NEW DELHI: Sunil Arora, who is the senior-most commissioner in the poll panel, has been appointed as the new Chief Election Commissioner by President Ram Nath Kovind on Monday. Arora will take charge as the CEC on December 2. He will replace CEC OP Rawat, who retires on December 1.

5 Things To Know About New CEC Sunil Arora

1: Born on April 13, 1956, Sunil Arora is a former bureaucrat and was appointed as Election Commissioner in September last year. Arora has served as the Information and Broadcasting Secretary, and Secretary in the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

2: A 1980 batch IAS officer of the Rajasthan cadre, Arora has worked in ministries and departments such as Finance, Textiles and Planning Commission.

3: He also served as Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Civil Aviation during 1999-2002 and CMD, Indian Airlines for five years (two years as additional charge and three years as full charge).

4: In Rajasthan, besides district postings in Dholpur, Alwar, Nagaur and Jodhpur, he was Secretary to the Chief Minister during 1993-1998 and Principal Secretary to CM (2005- 2008) and handled Information and Public Relations (IPR), Industries and Investment Departments.

5: Arora (62) would retire in April, 2021, and would oversee the 2019 Lok Sabha polls as the CEC. An EC or CEC has a tenure of six years. But if he turns 65 before that, he demits office.