Strong tremors of earthquake were felt across Delhi-NCR and other parts of North and East India on Tuesday. According to preliminary information from National Center for Seismology (NCS), the intensity of the earthquake was 5.8 on the Richter scale and the epicentre was in Nepal.

The earthquake, with epicentre in the Mela area of Bajura district in Sudurpaschim province, hit the region at 2:43 PM local time, Lokvijaya Adhikari, head of the Earthquake Measurement Centre, was quoted as saying by Ekantipur news portal, reported PTI.

“Due to the inclement weather condition and snowfall in the area, we're not able to establish contact with other localities. The telephone is not working," Himali's Village Council chief told news agency ANI.

"A few more houses collapsed in the area after the earthquake. We have got the information that 3 more houses have collapsed in the district. No casualties as of now," DSP Surya Thapa of Bajura District told ANI

Monika Dahal, head of the National Earthquake Monitoring and Research Center, told PTI that the quake measuring 5.9-magnitude was felt in the wider areas of Western Nepal. 

In December 2022, three tremors jolted Western Nepal in quick succession.

In April 2015, a devastating earthquake of 7.8 magnitude rocked Nepal, killing nearly 9,000 people and wounding nearly 22,000 others. It also damaged over 800,000 houses and school buildings.

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