New Delhi: Launching a scathing attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the rupee almost touching Rs 80-mark against the US dollar, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday urged the government to stop the "politics of jumlas" and reform its economic policies immediately, news agency PTI reported. As per the report, the rupee on Friday rebounded from near-80 levels to close higher by 17 paise at 79.82 against the US currency after recovery in the domestic stocks.

Slamming PM Modi in a Facebook post in Hindi, Gandhi said that before becoming the prime minister, Modi used to talk about the value of the rupee, but after becoming PM, he has pushed the country into the "Amritkal' of hypocrisy".

"For the first time in history, the rupee has crossed 80 -- and is at its weakest against the US dollar," Gandhi said.

He further said in the near future, people will have to pay for having a "directionless government" and the rupee being in shambles.

"The PM had said a 'strong PM is necessary for the strengthening of the rupee'. The reality of that phrase is in front of everyone today," Gandhi further said.

Notably, the Congress on Friday lashed out at the government over it remaining ‘directionless and silent’ on the free fall of the currency.

According to government sources, the strength of the US dollar has been uniform this year and it has appreciated against many other currencies.

They further said that the strength of the US dollar against the Indian rupee cannot be viewed as an isolated case and added that it is just a part of the strength of the US dollar internationally, against all developed or emerging currencies.