The Congress on Thursday said that the BJP-led Centre released the 'tentative' agenda for the five-day special Parliament session beginning on September 18 under pressure of the letter written by Sonia Gandhi. The party also said that it will oppose the Bill on the appointment of Chief Election Commissioner.

Last week, Congress parliamentary party chief Sonia Gandhi wrote to PM Modi, saying that the agenda of the special Parliament session ought to be disclosed to all parties. She also listed nine issues for discussion, including the demand for a joint parliamentary committee, caste census, and the rise in communal tensions in different states.

Congress leader Pawan Khera said, "The letter by Sonia Gandhiji had an impact and that is why they have released an agenda. By looking at the agenda one has to wonder if these topics couldn't have waited till the winter session of Parliament. There is something that hasn't been shared; it is being kept secret... We will oppose the CEC Bill."

The Centre has listed a discussion titled "Parliamentary Journey of 75 years starting from Samvidhan Sabha – Achievements, Experiences, Memories, and Learnings" in Lok Sabha during the special Parliament session.

The government has also included the much-debated Bill concerning the appointment of the Chief Election Commissioner and other election commissioners in its "tentative" legislative agenda. The Bill was first introduced in the Rajya Sabha in last year's Monsoon session.

Among the other Bills slated for discussion in Parliament during the special session are The Advocates (Amendment) Bill, 2023, The Press and Registration of Periodicals Bill, 2023, and The Post Office Bill, 2023.

Union Minister for Parliamentary Affairs Pralhad Joshi last week said that a key all-party meeting has been scheduled for September 17. The meeting is likely to set the tone for Parliamentary proceedings and discussions in the special session.

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