New Delhi: A video clip of MP and former Union minister Maneka Gandhi is doing rounds on social media, in which she was heard saying, "Soap made from a donkey's milk keeps a woman's body beautiful."

In a video shared by a journalist, the MP can be heard saying, "There was a famous queen abroad called Cleopatra. She used to bathe with donkey’s milk. So those soaps made with donkey’s milk are being sold in Delhi at a rate of Rs 500 each. Why should not we make soap from goat’s milk or donkey’s milk? We shall choose a thing that can be done easily and comfortably.”

Addressing a gathering in UP’s Baldirai, the MP said, “There is a group of people in Ladakh. They noticed that the number of donkeys is reducing. Tell me for the last how many days you haven’t seen a donkey? Their number is reduced. They have gone. A washerman’s job is also extinct now. Washermen don’t need donkeys anymore. Where will donkeys go then? But these people started milking these donkeys. They made soaps using the donkey’s milk. It is believed that the soap made with donkey’s milk is very useful to maintain the beauty of a woman,” according to a video shared by Navbharat Times.

Advising people to make and sell cow dung cakes, she said, "Wood has become so expensive that even when a man dies, he makes his entire family poor. It takes wood worth 15-20 thousand rupees for cremation. Instead, we should add aromatic material to cow dung logs and use them to cremate the dead. This will reduce the cost of the rituals to just Rs 1,500 to Rs 2,000 and you can earn lakhs by selling these cow dung logs.”

She further stated, "I don't want you to earn any money from animals. Till date, no one has become rich by rearing goats or cows. We don't have that many doctors. There would hardly be three doctors among the 25 lakh people in Sultanpur. Sometimes not even that."

“If a cow or a buffalo or a goat falls ill, lakhs is spent on them. Women are encouraged to assist with farm animals. How much can they do? That's why I am strongly against anyone going into goat rearing or cow rearing. It will take you a decade to earn. But the animal will die one night and everything will be over,” she added.