The Punjab police brought gangster Lawrence Bishnoi to Punjab from Delhi under heavy security on early Wednesday morning, to question him in the murder case of singer-politician Sidhu Moose Wala, news agency PTI reported. After being brought to Punjab, Bishnoi was presented in Mansa district court which granted Punjab police a seven-day remand of the gangster, sources told PTI. 

As per PTI, a Delhi court had granted Punjab police the transit remand of taking him to Punjab in relation to the Moose Wala murder case. The order was passed after the Punjab police had arrested Bishnoi formally in the singer’s murder case.

After being remanded to the police, Bishnoi was taken to Kharar for questioning by the police. 

According to a report by PTI, in an official statement issued on Tuesday evening,  Bishnoi has been nominated as an accused and conspirator in Moose Wala’s murder case. It had said he would be taken on police remand for further interrogation to unravel the conspiracy and the motive behind the killing.

Additional Director General of Punjab Police Pramod Ban had told PTI on Tuesday that the special investigation team (SIT) is making steady progress in the case. 

Singer and Politician, Sidhu Moose Wala had joined Congress shortly before the 2022 assembly elections, and he was killed by unidentified people on May 29 in Punjab’s Mansa district. 

Earlier, Punjab Police had said the killing of Moose Wala seemed to be the result of an inter-gang rivalry and that the Lawrence Bishnoi gang was involved in it.

Punjab Police has arrested nine people for providing logistic support, conducting recce, and harbouring the shooters of Moose Wala, Tuesday’s statement had said.