Amidst the ongoing tussle between the opposition and the ruling BJP over the Adani-Hindenburg issue, NCP chief Sharad Pawar said that names of Ambani-Adani are being used and one must think of their contribution to the country. He said that other issues like unemployment and inflation are more important than Ambai-Adani.

He said, "Nowadays names of Ambani-Adani are being taken (to criticise the government) but we need to think about their contribution to the country. I think other issues like unemployment, price rise, and farmers issues are more important."

Talking about the meeting of the opposition parties, Pawar said, "We had a joint meeting of all the opposition parties and we discussed all the issues there. There were some issues on which we did not agree but everyone put forth their views in the meeting."

On the issue of a Joint Parliamentary Probe (JPC) on the Adani issue, the NCP chief said, "My party has supported the JPC but I feel that the JPC will be dominated by the ruling party thus the truth will not come I feel that SC monitored panel is a better way to bring out the truth..."

This comes after Pawar on Friday stated that he did not share the views of his ally Congress on the call for a Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) examination on claims against the Adani Company by US-based short seller Hindenburg Research, NDTV reported. 

The Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) president spoke up vehemently in defence of the Adani Group and slammed the rhetoric around Hindenburg's report on the conglomerate in an exclusive conversation with NDTV.

"Out of proportion importance was given to the issue. The issues that were kept, who kept them? We had never heard of these people (Hindenburg) who gave the statement, what is the background? When they raise issues that cause a ruckus across the country, the cost is borne by the country's economy, we cannot disregard these things. It seems this was targeted," Pawar was quoted by NDTV in its report