Mayurbhanj (Odisha): A man and a woman thrashed and tied by villagers after they were blamed for being in an illicit relationship.

The brutal incident took place at Betnoti block of Mayurbhanj district, Odisha.

When their relationship became public, villagers interfered in the matter... a matter involving a relationship between a widow and her distant relative.

Their controversial relationship busted into quarrel several times and villagers, already uncomfortable with the affair, at last, caught them red-handed.

Hundreds of villagers tied the couple together, brutally hit the duo in their private parts and forced them to walk on village roads before taking them to the police station.

On the way, some villagers also tried to pull off their clothes.

After a long drama, they finally handed over the couple to the local police.

The Police were investigating the matter.

However, in a civilised society in which we are living in, this kind of objectionable behaviour by a mob , where they take law into their own hands, is really shocking and raises a question on the definition of the word civilisation itself.

How cops allowed this to happen is also surprising.