New Delhi:  While the political tug of war continues in Maharashtra, Uddhav Thackeray's camp has been asking the Shinde faction to return to Mumbai while the majority legislators of Shiv Sena are currently lodged in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Guwahati. The rebel faction has now claimed that they have the support of 50 MLAs now and in 3-4 days more legislators will join them.

Former minister and Shiv Sena MLA Deepak Kesarkar, who is now in the Eknath Shinde camp, said MLAs of the Shinde camp are ready to face the floor test in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly at any time but their first fight is for the party. 

According to an ANI report, Kesarkar said, "MLAs of the Shinde camp are ready to face the floor test in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly at any time, but first recognition should be given to Eknath Shinde faction. We will not go with the MVA government." 

Kesarkar further said, "One to two more MLAs will come and join us. With their support and other independents, our strength will be increased to 51. We will arrive at a decision in 3-4 days and thereafter, we will directly go back to Maharashtra." 

This comes after Maharashtra Minister Aaditya Thackeray slammed the rebel Shiv Sena MLAs and said that they should have the guts to come and talk face to face. He also challenged the rebel faction to contest elections.

"Contest elections again, we will ensure you are defeated," said Thackeray.

"These people should have the guts and come and talk face to face. Eknath Shinde had no guts to rebel in Thane. He went to Surat to rebel," he added. 

Meanwhile, Shiv Sena leader Sanjay Raut continues to issue threats to dissident party MLAs led by Eknath Shinde currently staying in Guwahati. Speaking at the 'Shiv Sena Melava' (party gathering) of workers at Sahisar in Mumbai, Raut went on to say, "40 bodies will arrive from Guwahati and they will be directly sent for post-mortem," in a remark directed at the rebel Sena MLAs.

Reacting to this, Deepak said, "It is a very indecent statement. What kind of language has he used? He is a member of Parliament. By using such language, he is inciting the Shiv Sainiks. Our camp's majority is increasing day by day."

The political turbulence in Maharashtra was triggered by the faction war in Shiv Sena after Minister Eknath Shinde flew to Surat with some MLAs and then to Guwahati where he claims of having the support of 38 MLAs of the party, thus achieving the two-thirds majority in the Shiv Sena. The Shinde faction named their group 'Shiv Sena Balasaheb'.

The naming of the group after the name of the Shiv Sena founder Balasaheb Thackeray attracted sharp reactions from the Uddhav faction as the Chief Minister said that those who left the party should not seek votes in the name of the party founder.