Shimla: Three youth were electrocuted while taking bath in a pond near Hamirpur here due to leakage of electric current from a nearby pump, police said on Sunday.

The victims were returning after grazing cattle and had stopped at the Khud, where water had formed a pond.

As soon as the victims, identified as Deepak (17), Vishal (17) and Ramesh Kumar (23) entered the water, they received electric shocks and started crying for help, police said.

Some people on the bank heard their cries and rushed to the Pump House and switched off the light and fished out the three youth in semi conscious condition.

They were rushed to a nearby hospital where doctors declared them brought dead.

Police are investigating the matter. The deaths have sent shock waves in the village and people are demanding action against the person who had installed the pump. According to the villagers, had plastic pipes been used there would have been no leakage of current and no loss of lives.