New Delhi: Former Vice President JNUSU students union Shehla Rashid has spurred a row after she levied serious allegations on Union Minister Nitin Gadkari and Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS) of plotting an ‘assassination’ of Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi.

“Looks like RSS/Gadkari is planning to assassinate Modi, and then blame it upon Muslims/Communists and then lynch Muslims #RajivGandhiStyle” she said in a tweet.

Angry from Rashid’s allegations, Union Minister Nitin Gadkari on Sunday said that he is going to legal action against Rashid for the bizarre allegations levied by her.

“I would be taking legal action on anti-social elements who have made bizzare comments; attributing personal motives to me, regarding the assassination threat to PM” Gadkari said.

Plans to assassinate Prime Minister Narendra Modi in a "Rajiv Gandhi-like incident" were revealed after a letter allegedly found in the house of one of the five persons arrested for "links" with the banned CPI (Maoist), Pune police told a court on Friday.

Police on Thursday arrested five Dalit activist Sudhir Dhawale, lawyer Surendra Gadling, activists Mahesh Raut and Shoma Sen and Rona Wilson from Mumbai, Nagpur and Delhi respectively in connection with 'Elgar Parishad' held here in December and the subsequent Bhima-Koregaon violence in the district.

All five were produced before the sessions court today which remanded them in police custody till June 14.

Prosecutor Ujjwala Pawar told the court that a letter found in Rona Wilson's house in Delhi talks about requirement of Rs 8 crore to procure M-4 rifle and four lakh rounds, and also about "another Rajiv Gandhi incident".