Shera was picked up by the Bandra police team after Salman's PA registered an official complaint. It has been reported that the accused is a habitual offender and has many cases registered against him at different police stations of the state. He has been sent to police custody till 22nd November.
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However, as per the report by PTI, Shera told the police that he was looking for a break in Bollywood and wanted Salman to be his "godfather" in the film industry. According to police, Shera contacted Salman's PA over phone on October 6 and demanded the personal number of the actor. When she refused to share the number, he started abusing the actor and threatened to kill him, the police said. He said Shera then called up Salman's father Salim Khan on November 13 and sought the actor's number while claiming that he was working for gangster Chhota Shakeel.
The police officer was quoted as saying, "After police were contacted, we registered a case against the unidentified person at Bandra police station under section 506 (2) (punishment for criminal intimidation) and others provisions of Information Technology Act."