New Delhi: Months after being blocked in the wake of the anti-Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) protests at Shaheen Bagh, the passage between Kalindi Kunj to Nodia (via Road No. 9, Okhla) was opened on Saturday. The move comes four days after the Supreme Court-appointed interlocutors met the protesters at Shaheen Bagh.

The Supreme Court-appointed interlocutors assured the protesters that their demands would be taken up before the Supreme Court, and after which the passage was opened that was blocked for over two months now.

DCP South East R.P. Meena visited the site to review the situation. However, the barricades are partially placed and the police are checking every car passing through the passage.

The passage was blocked after protests continued in the Shaheen Bagh area of the national capital against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC).

Watch | Shaheen Bagh protesters open-up Kalindi Kunj road via Okhla

(with inputs from agencies)