Senior Bharatiya Janata Party leader Kailash Vijayvargiya landed in a controversy for his remarks as he said he “won't hesitate to take the lives of those who speak against Bharat Mata”. In a video posted by news agency PTI, Vijayvargiya was seen addressing a crowd and party workers in Madhya Pradesh’s Bangrot on Saturday where he said he and his supporters will treat all those who hail India as their brothers but would not step back from "taking the lives" of those who speak against the country.

The BJP general secretary said, "We are not opponents of anybody. All those who say Bharat Mata ki Jai are our brothers and we can lay down our lives for them. But those who will speak against Bharat Mata, we will not step back from even taking their lives.”

According to news agency PTI's report, He also hit out very strongly at the Congres party and said they used to taunt the BJP with questions about when the Ram Temple would come up in Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh and remarked that those who used to think Lord Ram is an imaginary figure, must go to Ayodhya in January next year when the grand temple is all set to be consecrated in order to cleanse themselves of their sins.

Vijayvargiya also hailed the Union government for bringing peace to Kashmir and said everyone was aware of the situation that prevailed in the restive region earlier. He said, as quoted by PTI, "Now, the Tricolour is being hoisted atop every home there.”

About a week ago, Kailash Vijayvargiya said that overconfidence caused the party's defeat in the 2018 Assembly polls in Madhya Pradesh while emphasising that the BJP will not make that mistake this time and would win more than 160 seats in the 230-member Assembly in the year-end polls. 

"I have said earlier too that we made a mistake last time and were overconfident. This time we are not overconfident. I am saying with guarantee that we will win more than 160 seats (in the 2023 polls)," he told the media as he elaborated on the Shivraj Singh Chouhan government's achievements in power generation, infrastructure, and other sectors, as quoted by news agency PTI.