Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday addressed the Adheenam priests who handed over the ‘Sengol’ to the PM ahead of the inauguration of the new Parliament building. Addressing the priests at his residence in the national capital, PM Modi said that he was delighted that the symbol of India's great tradition will be installed in the new Parliament building. 

Sengol’, a spectre handed over by Lord Mountbatten to India’s first PM Nehru to mark Independence, will be installed in the Lok Sabha chamber of the new Parliament building tomorrow between 8:30 and and 9:00 am. 

Targeting the previous Congress dispensation PM Modi said that this Sengol did not receive the respect it should have been and was kept as a “walking stick” in Prayagraj’s Anand Bhawan, a house museum belonging to the Nehru family.

"...It would have been good if the holy #Sengol would have been given its due respect after independence and given an honourable position. But this Sengol was kept on display as a walking stick in Anand Bhawan, Prayagraj. Your 'sevak' and our Govt have brought the Sengol out of Anand Bhawan..." he said during his address. 

"I am delighted that the symbol of India's great tradition, Sengol, will be installed in the new Parliament building. This Sengol will keep reminding us that we have to walk on the path of duty and remain answerable to the public," he added. 

ALSO READ: Adheenams Hand Over Sengol To PM Modi Day Before New Parliament Building Inauguration

Speaking about Tamil Nadu, Modi said it was “very unfortunate that the contribution of Tamil Nadu people in India's independence is not given the importance it deserved” adding that the state has been the centre of Indian nationalism in every era. 

A Tamil word meaning 'spectre,' Sengol was originally handed over by Lord Mountbatten to India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, to commemorate the country's independence.