The coronavirus cases in the country may have reduced significantly but the fight against the second wave continues. During a press conference on Friday, the Union Health Ministry warned that everyone should follow the rules of Covid-19, as the country is still facing the challenges of the second wave of the corona.

Joint Secretary in the Union Health Ministry, Luv Agarwal said that "we need to maintain all the necessary precautions continuously because there is a significant increase in corona cases in Britain, Russia and Bangladesh. Cases are also increasing in South Korea and the exemption  given earlier is now being withdrawn."

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During the last week, there has been a decline of 8 percent in the average daily cases. Luv Agarwal informed that 80 percent of corona cases are coming from 90 districts. He further said that the country is recovering rapidly from the ill effects of the virus. The corona recovery rate stands at 97.2 percent.

On behalf of the government, it was said that the videos with people gathering and overcrowding at tourist places without following the Covid-19 protocol are a cause of concern.

More than half the cases of Covid-19 that were reported last week are from two states Maharashtra (21 percent) and Kerala (32 percent). The Covid-19 infection rate in 66 districts of 17 states and union territories was more than 10 percent in the week that ended on July 8.