New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed BJP workers across the country today and explained the government's idea behind the Union Budget 2022. In his interaction centered around Atmanirbhar Arthvyawastha (self-reliant economy) today, PM Modi hailed Nirmala Sitharaman's vision with which she presented the Budget this year.

Starting his address, PM Modi said, "Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman comprehensively explained the Budget in a timely manner given its vastness. I will also try to focus on important aspects of the Budget, today."

Giant screens were set up by BJP at multiple places across the country for the Prime Minister's address to be heard by the party workers.

Highlights of PM Modi's speech:

  • Explaining the vision of Budget 2022, PM Modi said that with the world's changed perspective towards India, it is imperative for us to take the country forward at a rapid pace by strengthening our economy

  • The Prime Minister said that there is a possibility of a new world order post-COVID pandemic. Today, the world's perspective of looking at India has changed a lot. Now, the world wants to see a stronger India.

  • Appreciating the work done by the central government, PM Modi said, "It is very important for us to make a self-reliant & modern India. This Budget has several important provisions to take India forward in the direction of modernity. India's economy is expanding continuously due to the decisions taken in the last 7 years."

  • PM Modi said that the budget was has been appreciated. Talking of India's economic growth he further said, " Prior to 7 years, India's GDP was Rs 1 lakh 10,000 crores but today it's about Rs 2 lakh 30,000 crores. Even the country's forex reserves have increased to $630 billion from $200 billion. All of this is due to our govt's effective policies."

  • Highlighting the 'Paravatmal Scheme' in this year's Budget, PM Modi said that the budget also focused on the development of villages at the border. NCC Centres will be brought in at schools situated at the border.

  • PM Modi said that this budget focused on farmers, women and youth. For farmers, the budget also focused on modernizing Indian agriculture with a focus on organic farming. This will make farming more lucrative. Kisan drones and other machinery will be made available to the farmers at reasonable prices.

  • He further said, "This budget has brought new confidence of development amid the Covid pandemic. This budget will not only strengthen the economy but also create many new opportunities for the common man."

  • The Prime Minister said that schemes launched in the budget focus to build better infrastructure, more Investment, more Growth, which will create opportunities for lakhs of jobs and will expand the green jobs sector in this Amrit Kaal.

  • From initiating 5G services to an expanding optical fiber network making its way to every village, India is modernising at an incredible pace and travelling into the future, said the Prime Minister.

  • He also touched upon another key highlight from the Budget – a blockchain-based digital rupee that India will soon be introducing to keep up with the rapidly changing financial scene that is increasingly dealing with cryptocurrencies, non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other forms of digital assets.

  • “Digital payments will be regulated, much like standard currency is regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI),” the Prime Minister said. “Such payments are more secure, efficient, and safe, and goes a long way towards paving the way for a global digital payments' infrastructure.”

  • PM Modi further said, "An important aspect of this budget is the welfare of the poor. Every poor person should have a pucca house, water from the tap, toilet, gas facility, all these have been given special attention. Simultaneously there is an equal emphasis on modern internet connectivity."

  • The Prime Minister said that an important initiative has been taken for the welfare of the farmers keeping in mind the faith of the people of India which is cleaning of River Ganga. Natural farming along the river Ganga will be encouraged in Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal.