New Delhi: Delhi Health Minister Satyendar Jain has been put in oxygen support after his condition deteriorated. According to a report by ANI, the office of the Delhi Health Minister said that he has been admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Super Specialty hospital. ALSO READ | Atishi, AAP MLA From Delhi's Kalkaji, Tests Positive For Coronavirus; Goes Into Home Quarantine

Doctors have said that his condition took the turn to the worse after the infection in his increased and the fever persisted. His latest CT scans showed that pneumonia increased despite being in oxygen support.

As per latest report, the AAP leader is now being shifted to Saket's Max Hospital, where he will be administered Plasma therapy for Coronavirus.

Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Amit Shah has also expressed concern in a tweet and wished for Jain's speedy recovery.

Jain underwent testing after developing symptoms on Tuesday but the results were negative. He repeated the test again and was found tested Covid-19 positive on Wednesday. He was admitted to the hospital after he complained of high fever and breathing trouble.

He had tweeted saying that he will keep everybody updated regarding his health. "Due to high-grade fever and a sudden drop in my oxygen levels last night I have been admitted to RGSSH. Will keep everyone updated," he tweeted.

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Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLA from Kalkaji, Atishi also tested positive for the novel Coronavirus. The 39-year-old AAP representative had complained of mild fever on Tuesday after which she underwent medical tests for Coronavirus. She is under home quarantine after the test reports on Wednesday declared her to be COVID-19 positive.

Delhi is the third-worst affected state in the country with cases inching toward the 50k mark. At present, the state has a total of 49979 cases with 26,669 active cases, and 1,969 fatalities caused due Coronavirus.