Mumbai: Amid the ongoing tussle between Shiv Sena and actor Kangana Ranaut, the ruling party of Maharashtra has appointed senior leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Raut as party's spokesperson in a major overhaul. As per reports, Shiv Sena has also named 10 of its leaders as party spokesperson. ALSO READ | Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray Takes A Jibe At 'Ungrateful' Kangana Ranaut

Former Union Minister and MP Arvind Sawant, MP Dhairyashil Mane, MP Priyanka Chaturvedi, Neelam Gorhe, Water Supply Minister Gulabrao Patil, Transport Minister Anil Parab, Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant, MLA Sunil Prabhu, MLA Pratap Sarnaik and Mayor Kishori Pednekar are among those who have been appointed.

Raut, who is also the executive editor of Shiv Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana', has been engaged in a war of words with actor Kangana Ranaut after she likened Mumbai to Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Raut's appointment as chief spokesperson comes days after a verbal slugfest between Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut and Raut, where the later warned the former against returning to Mumbai from her home state Himachal Pradesh.

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Kangana Ranaut had recently compared Mumbai to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK), triggering angry reactions from the Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena leaders.

Ahead of her visit to Mumbai in light of her recent spat with Raut, the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has granted 'Y' category security to Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut. She will be given 'Y' category security cover before her landing in Mumbai on September 9 as she was in loggerhead with the Maharashtra government and Shiv Sena leader.

Under the 'Y' category security, one Personal Security Officer (PSO) in three shifts travels with the protectee in India while five security personnel provide security at home. A total of eight commandos will provide round the clock security to Ranaut.

On Sunday, Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Jairam Thakur announced that the state government will be providing security to Ranaut for her Mumbai visit on September 9. Meanwhile, two separate complaints have been filed with Mumbai Police against Ranaut over her remark.