New Delhi: As the Lok Sabha polls is coming to its fag end with the sixth and seventh phase of polling left, the verbal duels between leaders of political parties is at an all time high.

In yet another remark against PM Modi, Congress leader Sanjay Nirupam launched a scathing attack on PM Modi calling him the modern avtaar of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.

The seasoned Congress politician added that Bharatiya Janata Party leaders are speaking lies all the time as part of their poll campaign speeches to mislead the voters .

Nirpuam dint hold back his words and took a jibe at PM Modi saying the leader chosen by the people of Varanasi is the modern avtaar of Aurangzeb as he has destroyed many temples on the premise of building an economic corridor in the city. He added that charging Rs 500 for doing darshan at the Kashi Vishwanath Mandir is the same as what Aurangzeb did during his rule in the Mughal era.

Nirupam also justified Priyanka Gandhi calling PM Modi Duryodhan. He added that Modi is as proud and arrogant as Duryodhan and Ravana. He rounded off by saying that if the ego of Duryodhana and Ravana could be broken, then the same applies to PM Modi.