New Delhi: Tennis star Sania Mirza recently gave birth to her first child with Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik. The couple has named the baby boy as Izhaan. Shoaib took to Twitter to share a picture of the baby who was welcomed by him and Sania Mirza on October 30. Since then, both the sport stars have been sharing several pictures of the family celebrating together. However, it’s this new picture of Sania in mommy mode that is melting hearts over the internet!

Sania shared a stunning picture with her son in her warm embrace on Instagram. The photo is fetching lot of love over the internet! Since being shared, the picture has received over 2.7 lakh ‘likes’ and still counting. The fans are swooning over the way Sania is seen looking at her bundle of joy Izhaan Mirza-Malik. Sania captioned the picture as "#Moments #Allhamdulillah", that showed her son wrapped in a blue colour customised blanket with his name on it and his little Batman beanie.

Earlier, just five days after Izhaan was born, Sania posted a heartfelt message on her Instagram page. She also tweeted, "She tweeted, "So it's been 5 days since we came into this world .. Me as a mother and my little Izhaan as my son ?? we've even watched Baba play some cricket together since we've arrived ? it truly is the biggest match ,tournament achievement I've ever won or had and there is no feeling or blessing that can be greater than this.. I finally have gotten sometime after this overwhelming feeling to get online and check the msgs and love we have received. Shoaib and I feel truly blessed and humbled with the wishes and love that us as parents and Izhaan have received ?? Thank you to each and every one of you ..we love you right back! Love, Sania, Shoaib and Izhaan."

Prior to that, father Shoaib had announced the arrival of his baby boy on his Twitter page by stating, "Excited to announce: Its a boy, and my girl is doing great and keeping strong as usual #Alhumdulilah. Thank you for the wishes and Duas, we are humbled #BabyMirzaMalik"

Sania and Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik welcomed their baby boy last month.