New Delhi: Pakistan Prime Minister on Saturday condoled the loss of lives in the tragic train accident in Punjab's Amritsar during Dussehra celebrations on Friday evening. In a tweet, Khan said he was "saddened to learn of the tragic train accident in Amritsar India. Condolences go to the families of the deceased." The horrific accident has claimed at least 59 lives and injured 72 injured after a crowd of Dussehra revellers that had spilled onto railway tracks while watching burning of Ravana effigy was run over by a train near Joda Phatak in Amritsar.

Khan shares an amiable relation with Amritsar East MLA Navjot Singh Sidhu. Sidhu's wife Navjot was the chief guest at the fateful event and is being  accused of leaving the accident site without bothering about the victims.  She, however, said she had left the place before the accident took place and rushed to the hospital after learning about the incident. Those attending the event alleged that Kaur arrived late at the event leading to the delay in the burning of the ravana. Defending his wife, Sidhu said the mowing down of 61 Dussehra revellers by a train was an accident and that nobody had done it intentionally. He said it was a "big negligence" and urged people to not politicise over the incident.

Sidhu was in the eye of a major political storm for hugging Pakistani army chief, Qamar Javed Bajwa, when he travelled to that country to participate in Imran Khan’s swearing-in as Prime Minister.