New Delhi: External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar met US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo, on Monday in Washington DC.  Jaishankar  is on a three-day visit to Washington during which he is also scheduled to meet US Defence Secretary Mark Esper and the new National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien.

The meeting has come at a time when New Delhi and Washington are in advanced stages of trade discussions aimed at reaching a trade deal soon.

This was the fourth meeting between Jaishankar and Pompeo in the last four months.

Tensions on the trade front between the two countries had emerged in June after US President Donald Trump revoked its preferential trade privileges, in response to which India imposed tariffs on 28 US products, including almonds and apples.

The two leaders held discussions on Indo-Pacific issues, counter-terrorism, trade and Afghanistan.

"A good conversation with @SecPompeo, focusing on the further progress of our bilateral relations. Also discussed important regional and global issues. Welcomed the continuing development of a key partnership," Jaishankar tweeted.

India had been the biggest beneficiary of the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP), a programme designed to help developing countries sell to US consumers.

The meeting comes days after Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent US visit which is being seen as significant for Indo-US relations.

At a joint press conference with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the sidelines on UNGA summit, US President Donald Trump had said that New Delhi and Washington would reach trade deal "soon".

(inputs from ANI)