During her visit to India, Emine Dzhaparova, the First Deputy Minister of Ukraine's foreign ministry, called for closer relations between Ukraine and India and suggested that India should recognize the dangers of allowing countries to push their agenda with "impunity." Her comments were seen as alluding to India's neighbours Pakistan and China, with whom India has territorial disputes. According to Dzhaparova, the events till Russia's invasion of Ukraine last year were examples of how to handle "difficult neighbours", reported NDTV.

Dzhaparova emphasized that Ukraine does not intend to interfere in India's economic relations with other countries, but noted that the Crimea episode has a lesson for India as well. She also expressed a desire for National Security Adviser Ajit Doval to visit Ukraine and welcomed the possibility of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky speaking at the G20.

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Dzhaparova called India a "Vishwaguru", or world leader, and suggested that India should play a bigger role in promoting justice and peace. She also mentioned Ukraine's decision to sign the Minsk Agreement in 2015, which has some highly disadvantageous clauses for Ukraine. However, she said that the same logic would not be acceptable to Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion in 2022.

The ongoing tensions along the Line of Actual Control in eastern Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, where Chinese troops often try to change the status quo despite de-escalation talks, have increased India's concerns about its neighbours. Dzhaparova's comments about handling difficult neighbours and recognizing the dangers of impunity may serve as a cautionary note for India as it navigates its relationships with its neighbours.

Overall, Dzhaparova's visit to India and her comments about the need for closer relations and the dangers of impunity serve as a reminder of the importance of diplomacy and cooperation in international relations. As countries face increasingly complex challenges and threats, it is important for them to work together to promote peace and security.

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