New Delhi: India on Tuesday condemned the civilian killings in Ukraine's Bucha by Russian forces and backed the call for an independent investigation, ANI reported.

TS Tirumurti, Indian representative at the UNSC, said reports of civilian killings in Bucha were deeply disturbing.

"The situation in Ukraine has not shown any significant improvement...Recent reports of civilian killings in Bucha are deeply disturbing. We unequivocally condemn these killings and support the call for an independent investigation," Tirumurti said.

READ | Ukraine President Zelensky Says Russian Troops ‘No Different From Terrorists’ In UN Address

Images showing bodies strewn across a street in Kyiv suburb of Bucha following the withdrawal of Russian forces have gone viral on social media. A mass grave in the town has also been found, with residents saying they believe at least 400 people were buried there.

The Kremlin has, however, called the images fake and suggested the scenes were staged by the Ukrainians, AP reported.

Tirumurti said India had been sending humanitarian supplies to Ukraine and its neighbours, including medicines and other essential relief materials, ever since the invasion began 40 days ago.

"We stand ready to provide more medical supplies to Ukraine in the coming days," he said.

"India continues to remain deeply concerned at the worsening situation and reiterates its call for an immediate cessation of violence and end to hostilities. We have emphasised right from the beginning of the conflict the need to pursue the path of diplomacy and dialogue," Tirumurti further said.

The scenes in Bucha have drawn international outrage, with Western leaders calling for war crimes investigations and fresh sanctions against Russia.

In his address to the UNSC, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said the actions of Russian troops were "no different from other terrorists such as Daesh".

Zelensky demanded accountability for Russian "crimes" in Ukraine and called for Russia's expulsion from the UN Security Council. He said the massacre in Bucha was only one example of what Russian forces were doing in Ukraine for the past 41 days.

"Civilians were crushed by tanks, women were raped and killed in front of their children. What Russian military did in Bucha is cruelty. The UN Charter has been violated literally," The Guardian quoted Zelensky as saying.

"Russia's actions in Ukraine have resulted in the most terrible war crimes of all times we have seen since the end of World War Two," he further said.