New Delhi: In a shocking incident two persons were allegedly thrashed and shot at following a brawl over playing music at a function in southwest Delhi's Palam village. As per the police 23-year-old Shanky Bhardwaj and 16-year-old Tushar Bhardwaj received injuries in the incident that took place on Sunday night.
T he disc jockey (DJ) Akshay (19), his employer Amit Sharma (29) and his brother Ashish Sharma (23) were later arrested for firing at the duo, they added.
The police received a call regarding a quarrel and firing at Choti Chopal in Palam village at 10.24 pm, a senior police officer said.
According to eyewitness Mohit, a friend of the victims, he had insisted the DJ to play a particular song but his request was ignored resulting in a heated argument, the senior officer said.
As Shanky and Tushar too joined in, Akshay informed Amit and Ashish who came there along with an associate Sanjay, the officer added.
In his statement, Mohit alleged that Sanjay and Amit thrashed the trio and even fired at Shanky and Tushar before fleeing the spot, police said, adding that further investigation was underway.
Ruckus over 'DJ vale babu' song at Delhi party; 2 people shot at
ABP News Bureau
Updated at:
04 Dec 2018 07:40 AM (IST)
As Shanky and Tushar too joined in, Akshay informed Amit and Ashish who came there along with an associate Sanjay, the officer added.
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