New Delhi: Union Home Minister Amit Shah made it clear that Rohingya Muslims, coming from Myanmar, will not be given Indian citizenship, while speaking on the Citizenship Amendment Bill , in the Lok Sabha on Monday.

Countering the opposition’s allegations, Shah said "this Bill is not unconstitutional and not in violation of Article 14 and has nothing to do with Muslims in India," but said that Rohingyas will not be given Indian citizenship.

Shah made the remarks while speaking in the debate over the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, which was tabled in the Lower House on Monday.

"Rohingyas will never be accepted as citizens of India. They infiltrated India through Bangldesh. They came from Myanmar," Shah said.

Shah said there is a difference between illegal immigrants and those who have come after facing religious persecution in the three neighbouring countries.

He also said that the Centre will never touch Article 371.

The Lok Sabha passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, which seeks to provide Indian citizenship to non-Muslim refugees coming from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan after facing religious persecution there.

The BJP-led NDA government had introduced the bill in its previous tenure and got Lok Sabha's approval. But it did not introduce it in Rajya Sabha, apparently due to vehement protests in the Northeast and lack of majority in the House. That bill lapsed following the dissolution of the last Lok Sabha.