Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday announced Union Cabinet would decide in a week that the retirement age of doctors employed with government hospitals would be extended to 65 all across the country to address the shortage of doctors.

"There are different rules for government doctors in states. If there were enough medical colleges in our country, we wouldn't have this shortage. It is difficult to create doctors in two years," he added.

Reiterating that he was the "pradhan sewak" and not the "pradhan mantri", he said that he relentlessly tried to serve the 1.25 billion people of India and fulfill their dreams.

Prime Minister Modi, who was addressing a rally in Saharanpur to mark two years of the BJP-led NDA regime, said the governments come and go, elections come and go, but the governments are there to fulfill the dreams of the people.

"Over the last two years, the people have seen our work. When NDA leaders chose me as their leader in Parliament and I gave my address, I had said my government is dedicated to the poor of the country. We have taken up those works which will give poor the power to fight and defeat poverty," he added.

In an apparent jibe at the Opposition, Prime Minister Modi said the country is changing, but some people's minds aren't changing.

The Prime Minister said that he has chosen this moment to come and give account of the work done by his government.

"I am Uttar Pradesh vala. Firstly, I want to apologise to you (crowd) that the place has fallen short. Many people are left out in the sun. You have come to bless me in this scorching sun is a great fortune for me. I want to thank you all," he said as the crowd raised slogans in his favour.

The Prime Minister also used the occasion to reach out to the poor and farmers ahead of the Uttar Pradesh assembly polls scheduled next year, saying he wants to make sure the poor and farmers earn double by 2022 when India celebrates 75 years of Independence.

"We have made a programme to give two lakh crore to the gram panchayats so that lives in the villages are transformed. We have laid emphasis on schools, hospitals, electricity. Only those programmes that transform the lives of the poor," he said.

Prime Minister Modi said the farmers' owed Rs. 14,000 crore at the time when he took responsibility at the Centre.

"The sugar mills, state governments - none were bothered. They gave piecemeal solutions, but no permanent solutions. We tried to make sure sugarcane farmers got their dues on time. Rs 700-800 crore is still left. I urge the state governments and warn sugar mills," he added.

"All these years what you have done to the farmers, you won't be allowed to do anymore. The government has made rules that sugarcane farmers won't have any dues left. If our farmers are given water, they can grow gold from soil. Our lands have been destroyed, so we have given farmers soil health cards so that farmers know what to do ahead," he added.

The Prime Minister said this government has a big dream for irrigation.

"I have spoken for hours with the Chief Ministers where there is a water scarcity and trying to make sure water reaches all corners. But I urge you to save the most water we can during this year's monsoons. During calamity, the compensation to farmers has been overhauled. Earlier if half the crop was destroyed only then they would have been compensated. That has been brought to one-third now," said Prime Minister Modi.

"We have brought the PM Crop Insurance scheme. This scheme will give great benefits when crop is destroyed or wasted," he added.

Highlighting his government's commitment to curb corruption, Prime Minister Modi said there were frequent reports and discussions of scams.

"So much wealth has been looted. I am shocked. I have taken measures to stop this loot. Two years ago, no one would have dared to stand amid the people and give their account to the people," he said.

Prime Minister Modi further said the gas cylinder was made a thing for the rich by the past governments.

"The poor weren't allowed to dream of gas ovens. The poor mothers were made to take smokes of 400 cigarettes when they cooked on wood and coal.

The Prime Minister said there has not been a bigger move to empower women since Independence.

"Today women are fewer compared to men because there is female infanticide. So, we have run a program 'beti bachao, beti padhao'. We have a fashion in our country to link programmes to caste, communities and vote bank. For me, 1.25 billion people in this country are my family. There is no caste, no community. When I speak of 'beti bachao, beti padhao', I speak for girls from all castes and communities," he added.

Asserting that his work is scrutinised minutely, Prime Minister Modi said that a government should be held accountable every day for every penny.

"When someone says in 21st century, close to 70 years after independence, 18K villages don't have electricity poles. How sad is that? It pains me a lot. I have given my government a time for 1,000 days to bring electricity to these villages," Prime Minister Modi said.

"The banks had complicated rules. Should banks not be of use to the poor? Around 3.25 crore families have been given Rs 1.25 lakh crore without guarantee. How the poor can be empowered, we have shown that," he added.

Prime Minister Modi said that his cleanliness mission is for the poor.

"I am grateful to the people, media, social organisations and especially the youth that they have made the mission of cleanliness their own. For whom is this mission? It is not for the rich, it is for the poor because if they fall sick, they stop earning. And they spend 7000 per year on a sick person. If there is cleanliness, this can be prevented," he added.

The Prime Minister also appealed to the doctors to treat poor pregnant women for free and give them medicines for free.

"On 9th of every month, can they treat poor pregnant women for free, give them medicines for free. If they give 12 days out of 12 months to them, this will help poor mothers a lot," he said.

'Transforming India' is the theme of the outreach program of the NDA Government.

Several ministers will tomorrow fan out across the country, where they will spend the day participating in public meetings -- with beneficiaries of government schemes and intellectuals, among others.

The preparations are also underway for a massive cultural show at the iconic India Gate in Delhi on Saturday to be attended by celebrities like Amitabh Bachchan, Anupam Kher and Prasoon Joshi.

On the eve of the government's second anniversary, the Prime Minister chaired a meeting of Union Council of Ministers yesterday asking the ministerial colleagues to focus on carrying the initiatives taken by the dispensation to the grass roots. He also briefly spoke about the various programmes being lined up to mark the government's second year.

(ANI inputs)