Republic Day Violence: A Delhi Court on Tuesday sent actor-activist Deep Sidhu to a seven-day Police custody in connection with the Red Fort complex violence which broke out in the national capital during farmers' tractor rally on Republic Day. As per reports, Metropolitan Magistrate Prigya Gupta sent Sidhu to the custody after the Police alleged he was one of the main instigators of the violent incidents at the Red Fort. ALSO READ | 'I Didn't Sit On Tagore's Chair, Nehru, Rajiv Did': Amit Shah Slams Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury On 'Disrespect' Allegations

However, Sidhu's counsel claimed that the actor had nothing to do with the violence and was at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sidhu was arrested by Special Cell of Delhi Police in Haryana's Karnal, which is around 100 km from the national capital. It is being said that Sidhu kept changing his locations to evade arrest. Delhi Police had earlier kept a reward of Rs 1 lakh for information leading to Sidhu's arrest.

Reports suggest that Delhi Police sought Sidhu's remand on the grounds that locations in Mumbai, Punjab and Haryana need to be visited, in-depth scrutiny of his mobile phone has to be conducted and other conspirators have to be arrested in connection with the case.

The court was apprised that Sidhu is the main instigator in the case. "Videos show that he entered the Red Fort with supporters carrying 'lathis' and flags. He was at the ramparts where the religious flag was unfurled. He provoked the violence at Red Fort," Police cousel reportedly said in the courtroom. 

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The actor-activist is accused of fuelling chaos and instigating clashes when a tractor rally by farmers protesting against the Centre's three farm laws turned violent on Republic Day.

Thousand of protesters broke barriers to storm the national capital during their tractor parade to highlight their demands. Later, some unprecedented scenes of clashes between protesting farmers and Police, overturned vehicles and chaos at ramparts of the Red Fort were seen.  

During the clashes, a section of protesters had entered the Red Fort and hoisted a Sikh religious flag. Sidhu absconded soon after the incident started making headline.