Mumbai is on high alert over the threat of an airstrike on Shivaji Park on Republic Day, because of which a 'No Flying Zone' will be declared over the area on January 26. Mumbai Police has prohibited flying activities around Shivaji Park in Dadar to prevent the risk of terrorist activities.

"It is possible that during the ceremonial parade and public program on the occasion of Republic Day at Shivaji Park in Dadar, Mumbai, terrorists or anti-social elements may try to use the air space for breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility and there may be grave danger to human life, safety and damage to public property," the order issued on Tuesday by DCP, Operations, Vishal Thakur said.

The order was issued under section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The order read, “in view of the ceremonial parade and public program on the occasion of Republic Day at Shivaji Park no flying activities be allowed in the jurisdiction of Shivaji Park Police Station during Republic Day January 26, 2023.”

The order stated that it is necessary that adequate security checks should be put in place to prevent unwanted activities around the Shivaji Park area in Dadar, Mumbai.

"This order shall remain in force with effect from 00.00 hrs to 24.00 hrs on January 26 unless withdrawn earlier," it read.

The order further stated that any person contravening the order shall be punishable under Section 188 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Meanwhile, in view of public safety and security in the national capital, Delhi police on Monday issued an order prohibiting the use of drones, paragliding, para-gliders, para-motors, hang gliders, unmanned aerial vehicles, unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), micro-light aircraft, remotely piloted aircraft, hot air balloons, small-size powered aircraft, and quadcopters with effect from January 18 till February 15.

Security forces have also been asked to be on alert in Pathankot, Punjab in view of Republic Day celebrations. Police Commissioner, Arunpal Singh, speaking to a national daily said, “We're inspecting law and order situation here, security checks being conducted in many places including railway stations ahead of Republic Day. 400 police personnel deployed to carry out security check ops. Actions to be taken against people violating laws.”