As Republic Day approaches, preparations for the grand parade are in full swing at New Delhi's Kartavya Path. The rehearsals for the President's Carcade took place on Saturday, with notable highlights promising a remarkable display of all-terrain vehicles on January 26. Major Toofan Singh Chauhan, the Contingent Commander for all-terrain vehicles and specialist mobility vehicles, shared insights into their capabilities.

"These vehicles can be used in the desert, mountainous, and snowy regions for the transportation of troops. Additionally, this vehicle can be easily airlifted for transportation from one place to another. Its suspensions are its specialty, which gives it the ability to function at a 60-degree alleviation and 45-degree depression," he stated, as per news agency ANI.

This year's parade is set to witness a groundbreaking moment as, for the first time in the nation's history, a tri-service contingent will march together.

Captain Sharanya Rao from the Indian Army expressed her pride in leading the Army component of this historic tri-services contingent. In an interview with ANI, she remarked, "I am the supernumerary officer and will be leading the Army component of the tri-services contingent. It is a proud moment because, for the first time in history, a tri-services contingent would be marching."

The theme for this year's Republic Day Parade is 'Nari Shakti,' focusing on the empowerment of women. Captain Sharanya Rao highlighted the significant participation of women-led contingents, including bands, tri-services, and the Military Nursing Service (MNS) contingent, making its debut this year.

Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh Attends NCC's Republic Day Parade Camp

Meanwhile, Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh attended the Republic Day parade camp organised by the National Cadet Corps (NCC) in the national capital on Saturday. Commending the NCC students, he said, "After seeing your performance today, I would like to say it was excellent. I would like to congratulate and bless the NCC students for organising such a wonderful cultural program. Your dedication has inspired me", as quoted by ANI.

Addressing the importance of the NCC, Singh emphasised its role in instilling discipline and dedication in students. "In this competitive era, students aspire to achieve a lot of things in their lives. Some want to pursue medicine, while others want to enter the engineering field. Many students look forward to kicking off their startups. In order to fulfil your dreams, you have to work hard," he remarked, as per ANI.

The Union Defence Minister also underlined the role of national pride in India's independence, invoking the sacrifices made by leaders like Chandrashekhar Azad.

He said, "India became independent only because of this sense of national pride... People like Chandrashekhar Azad killed themselves with the last bullet in their revolver so that a British-made bullet would not enter their bodies and corrupt them. That is when India became independent. This is called a sense of pride."

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