New Delhi: Former AAP leader Rajendra Pal Gautam, who resigned from the Delhi Cabinet over controversy for attending a religious conversion event was questioned by Delhi Police on Monday, clarified that he has not received any notice for questioning on Tuesday. However, the former minister said he will comply if called again. AAP leader who resigned on Sunday following controversy over his presence at a religious conversion event where Hindu deities were allegedly denounced, will again be probed on October 11, according to senior officials, reported news agency PTI.

Gautam also questioned that no police action has been taken against BJP MP Parvesh Verma over his inflammatory remarks intended to "terrorise'' the Muslim community.

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Confirming that he was questioned on Monday at 4 pm, Gautam said, “They asked me about the nature of the programme and how it was organised." "I have not been called tomorrow. I am a lawyer and if they call me I will go. I follow the law and if I have committed any crime, you can register a case and arrest me. If I have not, you can interrogate me," he told the news agency.

Gautam added that he was not told whether any case has been filed in the matter. "I will offer sweets to the complainant if I am arrested," he added. "He has been issued a notice to appear for questioning along with some others on Tuesday,'' said a senior police official.

"He was questioned today also about his alleged presence in the event. We have sent him a notice to join the probe on Tuesday as well and we have also received his acceptance," he added.

The police will try to seek details from the minister regarding the event.

BJP attacks AAP over anti-Hindu sentiments   

Meanwhile, the BJP took this opportunity to attack AAP chief Arvind Kejriwal during the election campaigning in Gujarat and accused him of being "anti-Hindu".

On Monday, Gautam also raked up the issue of an alleged speech by BJP's West Delhi MP Parvesh Verma at a Sunday event citing he had called for a ''total boycott'' of a community.

''Why Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah are silent on this. Isn't such a statement a terror activity. When will Delhi Police take action? We are waiting for it,'' the AAP leader tweeted in Hindi.

Responding to the allegations against him, Gautam tweeted that he attended the event in his personal capacity and it had nothing to do with his party or the ministry.

He condemned the BJP for targeting Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) accusing the saffron party for playing "dirty politics" on the issue.

The controversy erupted last week after a video went viral in which Gautam is seen at an event on October 5 where hundreds took a pledge to convert to Buddhism and to not consider Hindu deities as gods.

Gautam, who was the Minister for Social Welfare, SC and ST, Registrar of Co-operative Societies and Gurudwara Elections, said he is resigning as minister as he does not want his leader or AAP to be in trouble because of him.