As the nation's capital struggles with high levels of air pollution, Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) V K Saxena on Saturday urged Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to reconsider the "Red light on, Gaadi off" campaign. Saxena questioned the usefulness of such a "ad-hoc" solution, news agency PTI reported. The month-long "Red light on, Gaadi off" campaign tries to persuade motorists to turn off their vehicles' ignitions when they are stopped at traffic lights.

"The LG has sent the file to Chief Minister Kejriwal with the advice to reconsider the proposal," a source told PTI. 

The Delhi Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government had earlier criticised the LG, claiming that the delay in the proposal's approval had compelled it to delay the campaign's debut on October 28. 

"In order to reduce the pollution of vehicles, the 'Red Light On, Car Off' campaign which started from 28th has to be postponed due to withholding of file by LG Sahab which is very unfortunate," Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai tweeted.

Further, Delhi CM retweeted the tweet, "Its really v sad that efforts of Del govt to curb pollution, which played critical role in reducing pollution all these years, are being stopped now due to dirty politics. Lets not play wid the health of the people."

However, according to officials in the LG office, city environment minister Gopal Rai lied because the chief minister's paperwork stated the launch date as October 31, PTI reported. 

According to a source, the LG took issue with the "inhuman" and "exploitative use" of Civil Defence Volunteers (CDVs) in highly polluted traffic intersections and locations.

As per LG office sources, the campaign's fundamental premise — risking the health of a small number of people in the sake of safeguarding the health of a large number — is flawed and devoid of any apparent precedent in other civilised metropolitan areas.

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Furthermore, any efficient and long-lasting solution to this persistent issue will entail technology interventions rather than sporadic actions taken year after year.

The source stated that finding technical solutions for such measures' enforcement in the long run is preferable than using humans and putting them in danger.

The LG has also emphasised that the proposal does not consider the "outcome" of previous programmes, nor does an impact assessment study attest to their efficacy in improving the city's air quality.

"Also, the multiple risks posed to the safety and health of the volunteers proposed to be deployed at the traffic cross sections under the campaign, merits serious attention," a source was quoted as saying by PTI. 

The LG further stated that the plan was languishing at the chief minister's level for more than ten days, from October 12 to October 21, and that the file was finally received at his office on October 21.

(With Inputs From PTI)