New Delhi: Sanjay Raut, a Shiv Sena MP, remarked on Sunday that a "real Hindutvawadi" would have slain Pakistan's founder Muhammad Ali Jinnah rather than Mahatma Gandhi.

His remarks come after Congress leader Rahul Gandhi stated that Mahatma Gandhi was shot by a 'Hindutvawadi.'

"Formation of Pakistan was Jinnah's demand. If there was a real 'Hindutvawadi', then he or she would've shot Jinnah, not Gandhi. Such an act would've been an act of patriotism," Raut was quoted by ANI in its report.

India is commemorating Martyrs' Day today, the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

Earlier, on the 74th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi's death, Rahul Gandhi remarked that the father of the nation in spirit is still alive wherever truth reigns.

Taking to Twitter, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi writes, "A Hindutvawadi shot Gandhiji. All Hindutvavadis feel that Gandhiji is no more. But, where there is truth, Bapu is still alive there!"

Nathuram Godse assassinated Mahatma Gandhi on January 30, 1948, at Gandhi Smriti at Birla House.

India observes Martyrs' Day every year on January 30 to mark the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi and to honour his contribution towards the freedom of the country.

(With ANI Inputs)