Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday hit out at Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) by saying that the real face of the saffron party got exposed when a local BJP leader in Madhya Pradesh urinated on a tribal person in Sidhi district. Gandhi said that atrocities on tribals and Dalits have increased under BJP rule. A video of a man, purported a local BJP leader from MP has been doing rounds on social media. In the video, he can be seen urinating on a tribal person. Since the video emerged on social media , netizens have been demanding his arrest.

The Congress leader in a tweet said, "Atrocities on tribal brothers and sisters are increasing in the BJP rule. The entire humanity has been put to shame by the inhuman crime of a BJP leader in Madhya Pradesh. This is the disgusting face and real character of BJP's hatred towards tribals and Dalits."

After the incident came to light, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan called for Pravesh Shukla's immediate arrest following which he was rounded up on Wednesday. 

Home Minister Narottam Mishra termed the accused's action as "heinous, condemnable and a blot on humanity." 

When asked about Congress' demand for a "bulldozer action" against the accused, the Home Minister said, "Bulldozer action is not taken at Congress' demand...bulldozer is used only when there is an encroachment," reported PTI.

An official from the Chief Minister's Office on Tuesday said that a case was registered against Shukla under Indian Penal Code sections 294 (obscene acts), 504 (intentional insult to provoke breach of peace), and provisions of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act.

The stringent National Security Act has also been invoked against him, he added.