New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said on Wednesday that if peace is needed, a bulldozer should be razed over BJP’s office as they are responsible for the disturbance across the state. He went on to say that it is BJP that settles Bangladeshis and Rohingyas in different areas in Delhi and then creates disharmony by using a “prescripted pattern” to distract people from basic necessities.

He further added that BJP is responsible for the environment of anarchy in the country. He said that BJP has done nothing to resolve the issues of the common people but they have only focused on anarchy and hooliganism in the last eight years of their rule. 

Sisodia’s comments came after the Supreme Court stalled the demolition drive in Jahangirpuri on Wednesday and agreed to hear the petitions challenging it on Thursday. 

Jahangirpuri witnessed violence a few days ago resulting from clashes between two groups on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on April 15. On Wednesday, the Delhi municipal authorities launched an anti-encroachment demolition drive in the area.

Sisodia further asked BJP when will these bulldozers be razed upon the houses of those BJP leaders who let these illegal constructions take place. 

He further said that BJP is forcing the youth of the country towards hooliganism as they do not let them talk about education and basic facilities by distracting them towards anarchy. 

Sisodia was not the only AAP leader who held BJP responsible for the recent issues in Delhi as Raghav Chadha made a similar statement saying that the bulldozer should be deployed to raze BJP headquarters and Amit Shah’s house. He further said that this will stop riots for sure. 

“The BJP is inciting riots and indulging in hooliganism in different parts of the country. They talk about bulldozers today….I suggest that bulldozers should be deployed to raze the Bharatiya Janata Party’s headquarters in Delhi and we can guarantee that riots will stop,” Chadha was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.