Patna: In a tragic incident, Union Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) senior leader Ravi Shankar Prasad's mother Bimala Prasad passed away after a prolonged illness, a senior party leader said. ALSO READ | ‘Bengal Only State To Deprive Its Farmers Of Central Benefits,’ PM Modi’s Fierce Attack On Mamata Banerjee

Prasad, who is also an MP from Patna, later took to Twitter to announce the news, recalling her mother as "a deeply pious lady and woman of great conviction" who had been, to him, a source of inspiration.

"My mother Bimala Prasad left for her heavenly abode last night. She was ailing for some time. My mother was a deeply pious lady and a woman of great conviction. She had been supporting the party right from the beginning. She actively participated in the JP movement of Bihar as woman volunteer", said the Union minister in a series of tweets, sharing pictures of himself taken along with his mother.

"I recall leaders like Atal ji, Deendayal ji, (and) Nanaji Deshmukh relished food and hospitality by her during their visit to Patna. She was a source of my inspiration and all my achievements in life are because of her blessings. May her soul rest in peace", Prasad whose late father Thakur Prasad was a towering leader of the Jan Sangh and had served as a minister in the Janata Party government in the 1970s, tweeted.

Several leaders including Bihar Governor Phagu Chauhan and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar also condoled the death of the Union minister''s mother.

As per reports, Bihar CM even called Prasad and offered words of solace to the bereaved leader. According to reports, Prasad's mother was in her 90s and breathed her last at a private hospital in Patna on Thursday night.