Congress MP Randeep Surjewala has stoked a controversy after he said that those who vote for the Bharatiya Janta party (BJP) and its supporters are of 'Raakshas' (demon) tendency. While addressing a public meeting in Haryana's Kaithal, Surjewala launched a scathing attack on CM Manohar Lal Khattar-led BJP government in the state. Now, the saffron party has hit back at the Congress leader and said that only a person who is born into a 'raakshas' (demon) family can think of such 'indecent' language.
"...Those who vote for BJP and are BJP supporters are of 'raakshas' (demons) tendency. I curse from this land of Mahabharat..," Surjewala said.
Reacting to the comment, Haryana CM Manohar Lal Khattar said that his party will definitely take cognisance of the incident.
"Only a person born into a family of 'raakshas' (demons) tendency can think of using such indecent language. I think this is unparliamentary language. We will definitely take cognisance of this," he told the media.
BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawala also slammed the Congress MP and said that the grand old party 'abuses the position of PM, OBC, democratic institutions, and now they have abused the citizens'
"Congress has crossed all its limits. Randeep Surjewala, who calls 'Afzal Guru' as 'Afzal guru ji' and his party members calls 'Osama' as 'Osama ji', has started abusing Indian voters now. Congress party says on foreign land that democracy has died and 'Bharat Mata' has been murdered. Now Randeep Surjewala has said that voters who vote have the nature of demons. So now he's calling at least 23 crores, who vote BJP as the demon. Citizens are a form of god in democracy, but Congress is calling them demons. This shows that Congress is living in which arrogance, they abuse the position of PM, OBC, democratic institutions, and now they have abused the citizens," Poonawala said.