Ramdev Press Conference on Coronil: Yog Guru Ramdev’s claimed medicine for coronavirus has been mired in controversies since its launch. In today's press conference, which was held to ‘clear the issues’ regarding it, Ramdev talked about the accusations against his medicine and clarified that it has been prepared using appropriate protocols approved by modern medical science. Also Read: India’s First Covid 19 Vaccine Candidate, Covaxin By Bharat Biotech, Set To Begin Human Trials From July

“The Ayush department has said that Patanjali has taken a good initiative for management of Covid 19 and that it is working in the right direction,” said Ramdev stressing that this should not be confused with covid cure.

He said that Patanjali has conducted randomized placebo-controlled clinical trials to research on the effect of these medicine on coronavirus patients.

“The controlled clinical trial done by Patanjali showed that 69 percent of patients recovered in 3 days and by 7 days it was 100 percent of patients. We have scientific documentation on the effect of these medicine on the body system and we have submitted it to Ayush Department. Anyone can have access to it,” said Ramdev. Also Check: Patanjali Takes U-Turn On Coronil, Says 'Not Made For Corona Treatment'

He also said that unlike popularly is being said ‘we have not just blindly used giloy, ashvanganda and tulsi’ instead correct measure and particular components have been used. "This is not marketing but a fact."

He also said“Not only was I personally attacked including my lifestyle, but the environment had become such that it seemed that practicing Ayurveda is wrong. I have been working along with Acharya Balkrishna for 35 years in this country despite difficulties in earlier life.Some people are against Ayurveda and the knowledge systems in Indian culture but this is wrong.”

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He also said that unlike popularly is being said ‘we have not just blindly used giloy, ashvanganda and tulsi’ instead correct measure and particular active compounds have been used. We have taken care of the phytochemicals and phytometabolites in the medicine and this is not marketing strategy but fact. They are effective when these medicines are used together. But we have not done a trial on each individual medicine.”

He also elaborated that most issues arose because there is no awareness about the licensing procedure for ayurvedic medicine.

“We have acquired license for this medicine through proper regulation meant for Ayurveda and Unani medicine. The procedure for such medicines is based on the ‘parampara’ it follows. And we got the licence for coronil and swasari vati through this process. Research results, registration process and clinical trials are different.”

Ramdev also hinted that ‘drug mafia’ has been shaken by the launch of coronil. He also blamed the problems that arose soon after the launch of the medicine to the disbelief in Ayurveda and the capacity of Patanjali.

“People are unable to go beyond stereotypes about researchers, but even those who are working in field of Ayurveda are capable of doing research. We have followed all the parameters of modern medical science and our research is based on it. For now, we have conducted clinical trial only for coronavirus, but we will soon do it for other major illness such as hypertension, asthma, dengue, chikungunya and others. It is our duty to work on freeing Indians from diseases and we will continue doing it.

Also Watch: Why Patanjali changed the claim over Coronil | Ghanti Bajao